Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Prep Class

Did you know that the Good Canine Citizen Certification is not only a testament to what an awesome, well behaved dog you have, it also dubs YOU as a knowledgeable and dedicated handler. In this class you will learn and practice the 10 necessary skills needed to be certified by a Good Canine Citizen Evaluator.

You will have hands-on training and five weeks of practice to gear up for the evaluation and certification. You and your dog have worked hard together and you deserve recognition for your outstanding efforts. Get Certified and registered with the AKC as a Good Canine Citizen!

  • Class Eligibility: Dogs that are 5 months or older and both dog and people friendly (no aggressive barking, lunging, or growling).
  • Class Duration: 5 Weeks (one class per week, one hour each)


What to expect in Canine Good Citizen Prep Class?

In this class you will learn and practice the 10 necessary skills needed to be certified by a Good Canine Citizen Evaluator. These 10 items include politely greeting a stranger, walking nicely on a loose leash, and obeying the commands sit, down, stay, and come. You will have hands on training and five weeks of practice to gear up for the evaluation and certification.

This class prepares you to get Certified and registered with the AKC as a Good Canine Citizen!


How to Sign Up for Canine Good Citizen Prep Class

If you’re interested in having your dog join us for this class, please contact us at 561-427-6700 or send us an email at info@luckydogtrainingclub.comOur sales staff will be happy to talk through any additional questions and get you signed up!